Database of Fairy Tales
The Fairy Tale TV database is our collection of TV shows, movies, and other media that fit the description of both fairy tale and television. The FTTV database is a searchable database that categorizes the media by series and episode title, genre, broadcast date, and tale type. It can be used to see all instances of a single tale type, sort through different series’ use of fairy tale and genre, visualize the relative distribution throughout the decades of tale types and fairy tale television, and provide data for many other research questions. The database is most useful when analyzing FTTV across time and tale type in pursuit of either a broad view or in looking at specific examples of FTTV in certain genres or tale types.
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Data Visualization
This project reassembles bibliographic information about fairy tale presence in American television shows in order to create visual representations of the data and more nuanced interpretations or understanding of their place. Some of our goals include tracking specific tales, broadcast information, tele vision genre, time lines, and the influence of Disney.
This project reassembles bibliographic information about fairy tale presence in American television shows in order to create